Once a month we have what is called "Birthday Mass" at school. Today was August birthday Mass. Each student with a birthday in the month of August, which included Collin this year since he is in preschool, participates at Mass. Collin's job was to carry up the box which contained donuts for all of the August birthday friends. He did a great job carrying that big box! He also did very well sitting with the other big kids instead of his preschool class. He proudly went up to the front of church when he name was called, and enjoyed everyone singing "happy birthday" to him and his friends.
Collin was excited to see mamaw and papaw attend Mass on his special day!
What Collin is doing now: playing tractors on the living room floor.
What a neat event that he can take part in each year! Glad Dave & Pat could join. I'm sure they treasure the moments with him just as you do.