Dear China mom,
I don't know what your motivation was when you left your son (our son) at the gate that faitfull day, but I can't imagine what excrutiating thoughts must run through your mind on a daily basis not knowing what has become of him...where is he, is he okay, is he scared, cold or hungry, is he searching for you, or waiting for you to come back? Collin does not realize that he has another mother in his life. I hope someday that I will be able to explain it, and I hope that he will find it in himself to understand why he will never be able to meet you. I can't help but think of you everyday when I look at him. Thank you for giving him 9 months of nourishment and a year of your love to him. I wonder if he has your sense of humor, goofy laugh, inquisitiveness, and outgoing personality. He has so many different "faces" when his picture is taken. Are these the faces of his biological father, grandma, aunt or uncle? I hope somehow, some way, you know that the son you sacrificed, for whatever reason, is healthy, so very loved, and above all..he is happy. Although Collin and I are, literally, from two different worlds, we have a bond like any mother and son would have. This bond includes you as well. Our lives were destined to intertwine. If it were not for you, I would not have the beautiful son that I thank God for everyday. So, China mom, I thank-you for OUR son this Mother's Day.