Sunday, May 2, 2010

Escape To The Orient

Our local prom was last night and the theme was "Escape To The Orient". My sister-in-law met Collin and I up at the school to see the decorations before the dance got underway. She dressed her daughter in a chinese outfit she found locally a few years ago, and I dressed Collin in his outfit that we bought on Shamian Island while in China. They blended in perfectly with the scenery! Aunty Jen thought it would be fun to get a "prom" picture of the two of them together for future reference...or embarrasement-ha! The kids loved the large dragon whose head was perched around the basketball goal. It's body draped down to the was pretty cool! Hope the teens enjoyed the unique scenery and had a great time.
Enjoy the pictures!
What Collin is doing now: taking a bath and squirting his watergun all over the tub walls!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adrienne! Collin is a doll and looks like he's really growing! Caroline has grown at least 3 inches since coming home. Love to Prom pics.
